
中乙战报丨老将破门难救主 青岛红狮1-2惜败北京理工


2019-06-20 09:50:17



  Yesterday afternoon, Qingdao Red Lions played a home game in 2019 China Football Association Two League with the "Student Army" Beijing Institute of Technology in matchday 13 in the Jimo Chuangzhi New District Stadium. Finally it's a shame that the lions lost the match at 1-2.


  In March 2019, the International Football Association Board held its 133rd annual meeting in Scotland, which adopted a number of revisions and clarifications of the 2019/2020 football competition rules. So on the day before the competition, all the players of Qingdao Red Lions Football Club took part in the training about the new rules of the competition organized by the Chinese Football Association.


  Due to the accumulated yellow card and injury factors, Wang Chenyang and other main players had to absent the match yesterday. Mr.Kavi was so strapped that showing team line-ups. Zheng Zhihao, Yang Guangyu and Zhang Haiquan returned to the starting line-ups. Mr.Kavi still chosen U21 young player Li Liang who was trusted by him.


  After the first half of the match started, Qingdao Red Lions caused many threatening attacks. In the 5th minute, the threatening right-hand oblique transmission by Lian Chen was solved by the goalkeeper of Beijing Institute of Technology.In the 19th minute, the long-range shot by Shi Hanjun in the left played on the defensive player's leg and rubbed the left side. After regretting missing multiple scoring opportunities, Qingdao Red Lions was punished by opponents. No.12 Song Yi's teammate to cross the door and Song scored a goal. Qingdao Red Lions 0-1 Beijing Institute of Technology. Red Lions worked hard in next time,they strengthened their offense. And after 5 minutes, the old player Shi Hanjun got a long shot equalizes the score. The first half is nearing the end, and Shi Hanjun has re-written the score again. After halftime, the two sides temporarily tied.


  In the second half, Beijing Institute of Technology made a change at first. No.34 Zhang Kaixiang replaced 38 Zhu Hongsen. Then,Beijing Science and Technology University's several threatening ball offenses have been resolved by the Red Lion's defense line. Mr.Kavi made a change. He replaced two U21 young players Ning Dating, Luo Wei and Zhang Yang, the general returning from injury, to strengthen the offensive. Especially after Zhang Yang played, the Red Lions attacked the right-handed attack and repeatedly threatened the goal of Beijing Institute of Technology. Unfortunately, they all failed. In the 87th minute, Li Sichen, the captain of Beijing Institute of Technology, will be locked into a score of 1-2 in a small angle and the Red Lions once again pass the winning streak.


  After the game, Mr.Kavi said that the game was very difficult in the case of three players with yellow card suspensions. Thanks to the hard work of the players, the future competition should be summarized to reduce unnecessary mistakes. Tomorrow would be a new day.


  In addition, it is reported that the plan about summer transfer of Qingdao Red Lions Football Club is proceeding smoothly in an orderly way. And the club offical will prounounce some excellent players join the team.


  青岛红狮(4-4-2):1-张骁(GK) 4-杨光瑜 5-郑智浩 6-王浩(C) 8-史汉军 14-刁振宇 16-凌龙 17-连琛 25-张海全 32-史鑫 36-李亮

  北京理工大学:7-李思晨 8-王郑印 10-卢城河 12-宋毅 13-魏鑫 19-耿军义 21-王玮 31-孙佳乐 35-郭梦杰 36-郭梦源 38-祝洪森

  Starting line-up:

  Qingdao Red Lions(4-4-2):

  No.1 Zhang Xiao(GK), No.4 Yang Guangyu, No.5 Zheng Zhihao, No.6 Wang Hao, No.8 Shi Hanjun, No.14 Diao Zhenyu(57′No.37 Ning Dating U21), No.16 Ling Long, No.17 Lian Chen, No.25 Zhang Haiquan,No.32 Shi Xin, No.36 Li Liang.

  Beijing Institute of Technology(4-4-2):

  No.7 Li Sichen(Captain 90′37-Li Xiangyu U21), No.8 Wang Zhengyin, No.10 Lu Chenghe, No.12 Song Yi(90+′No.5 Wang Wei), No.13 Wei Xin, No.19 Geng Junyi, No.21 Wang Wei(GK), No.31 Sun Jiale(U21), No.35 Guo Mengjie(U21), No.36 Guo Mengyuan(U21), No.38 Zhu Hongsen(U21 46′No.34 Zhang Kaixiang).


  上一篇:终于发话 巴萨名宿保利尼奥罕见表扬韦世豪:踢得好

  下一篇:【观察家】保级队各有难念的经 政策调整=求变契机

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